A downloadable game

You play as Hank

In the fiery depths of the underworld, where chaos meets brimstone, you step into the worn shoes of Hank—the Devil’s disgruntled right-hand man. It all started with a snafu (shoving is practically a pastime in Hell), and suddenly, you find yourself demoted to the very bottom of the infernal hierarchy. But fear not, because the Devil himself has a proposition you can’t refuse (technically, you can, but eternal damnation awaits, and it’s not exactly a scenic vacation).

Hell’s in Rebellion!

Those backstabbing demons—greedy little imps—are plotting to overthrow the Big Guy himself. And guess what? God has promised them a one-way ticket to Heaven if they succeed. Talk about a hostile takeover! The celestial ladder is more treacherous than a pit of vipers.

Your Mission?

Forge a bloody path back to the top. Your boss—the Devil—is in a bit of a bind (literally). His pitchfork is bent, and his tail is tangled. Worse yet, he’s lost his paycheck. Yes, even the Prince of Darkness has bills to pay.

Your task: retrieve that infernal paycheck and save your boss from eternal embarrassment. Easy, right? Not so fast.

To accomplish this, you’ll need to:

  • Sacrifice Fresh Animal Blood: Don’t worry; this game is purely fictional. Drag those unsuspecting critters to the demonic portal and fuel it with their life essence. It’s like a twisted blood bank but with more fire and brimstone.
  • Blast Demon Hordes to Smithereens: Armed with your trusty shotgun, you’ll wade through legions of hellspawn. Demons, imps, and disgruntled creatures are all fair game.

Unleash hellfire (literally) and make sure your boomstick sings its infernal tune. But here’s the Twist

Things get messier (pun intended) as you delve deeper. Can you trust the manipulative Devil? Is he hiding more than just his paycheck? And what about your own morals? Will they survive the trials of Hell, or will you become the ultimate backstabber?

Hank’s Hunt is a rogue light adventure that promises:

  • Unleash Your Inner Demon (Or Not): Customize your abilities. Want fiery wings? Go for it. Would you prefer a snazzy tie? Sure thing. Just remember: in Hell, dress codes are strictly enforced. 
  • Beat 'em Up & Shoot 'em Up Mayhem: Combine fisticuffs with firepower! Slash, crash, and cut your way through hordes of demons. Unleash a hail of shotgun blasts that’ll make Lucifer himself raise an eyebrow. 
  • Sacrifice and Splatter: Drag those poor animals to power the portal. The underworld isn’t just red—it’s crimson, maroon, and a touch of cerulean (because why not?) 
  • Shotgun Justice: Your trusty boomstick is your best friend. Or maybe your only friend. Either way, it’s loaded with hellfire and ready to rock. 

This game is a work of fiction and does not promote violence against animals. Content Warning: Cartoonish Violence, Cartoonish Blood & Gore.

  • Hank’s Hunt is currently in active development, a work in progress, and subject to change.

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